Understanding Permission Levels
Admin: Full access, including managing users and settings in Restaurant Settings.
Member: Full app access, except for Restaurant Settings.
Viewer: Can view content but cannot create or edit it, designed for Shared Access.
How to Invite a User
Open the Profile tab by tapping the person icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the name of your current restaurant at the top of the screen.
Select Restaurant Settings.
Tap Invite User.
Enter the user's details.
Tap Invite.
Note: Some users may need to check their spam folder for the invite email.
How to Edit a User
Open the Profile tab by tapping the person icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the name of your current restaurant at the top of the screen.
Select Restaurant Settings.
Tap Users.
Locate and select the user.
Tap the Edit button (pencil icon) in the user card.
Make any necessary changes to the users's details.
Tap Save.
How to Remove a User
Open the Profile tab by tapping the person icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the name of your current restaurant at the top of the screen.
Select Restaurant Settings.
Tap Users.
Locate and select the user.
Tap the Edit button (pencil icon) in the user card.
Tap Remove User.