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How do I settle/unsettle a resolution in Restore?
How do I settle/unsettle a resolution in Restore?

Learn how Restore automatically settles complaints based on resolutions and how to settle or unsettle a resolution.

Nathan Catapano avatar
Written by Nathan Catapano
Updated over a week ago

Understanding Complaint and Resolution Status

In Restore, each complaint may have one or multiple resolutions. The complaint is considered "settled" only when all of its resolutions have been settled.

For example, if a complaint has three resolutions and only two have been settled, the complaint remains unsettled. Only when the third resolution is settled does the entire complaint get marked as settled.

Settling a Resolution

It's important to note that to settle a resolution with a quantity greater than one, the settle action must be completed as many times as the resolution quantity.

To settle a resolution, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and select the complaint you want to settle a resolution on.

  2. Swipe to the right on the resolution, revealing the settle icon.

  3. Tap the check icon, located on the left side of the resolution.

As an alternative method, you can simply tap the resolution to settle it.

Unsettling a Resolution

To unsettle a resolution, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and select the complaint you want to settle a resolution on.

  2. Swipe to the right on the resolution, revealing the settle icon.

  3. Tap the check icon, located on the left side of the resolution.

As an alternative method, you can simply tap the settled resolution and it will revert to an unsettled status.

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